3D LifePrints Henry Pinchbeck United Kingdom, Liverpool
- Request LifeArm
- Offer 3D Printing Hub
5D Health Protection Group Ltd Steven Percival United Kingdom, Liverpool
- Offer Testing Services/Product Development/R&D
- Offer Consultancy/Advise
- Request Collaboration on grants
- Request Anti-Biofilm Technologies
- Offer Collaboration on grants linked to medical devices
A+ Ceramics Artur Ozieblo Poland, Bialystok 15-540
- Offer Horizon 2020 collaborations in Health and Nanotechnologies
- Request Partners for developing materials solutions for medical applications
- Offer Ceramic processing and materials testing for medical applications
Abiel s.r.l. Giulia Passanisi Italy, Palermo
- Offer Distributor sought for innovative life sciences reagents
- Offer Research projects coop: cell-based models, enzymes, biomarine, in vivo evaluation
- Request Looking for Investment for GMP production scale-up
AIDA Technology Ltd Angel Salazar United Kingdom, Manchester
- Request Open Innovation Wellness Platform
AirMed PLUS GmbH Birger Nispel Germany, Bochum
- Request Offering distributorship for your homecare products
- Offer 5-seconds NON invasive tear function test
- Offer Automatic dispender for desinfection spray and liquids
- Offer Distribution partners for high quality anti-bedsore systems wanted
- Offer Intelligent anti-bedsore-system "ADS intelligent" - looking for international distributor
AllBioinformatics Org Francesco Di Tota Italy, Milan
- Request Web Touchless Technological partnerships are sought
- Offer Web Touchless InteractionTechnology. Commercial partnerships are sought
- Offer Bio-ICT solutions and services
- Request Zero Nicotine project, a new medical device software for a new nicotine insight
Arcis Biotechnology Christopher Jones United Kingdom,
- Request Distribution partners wanted
- Request Novel Sample Prep Technology. Technical and Grant Co-operation
Ascensys Medical Limited Peter Brady United Kingdom, Daresbury
- Offer Services
Attenborough Dental Lab Ltd Chee Seng Aw United Kingdom, Nottingham
- Offer Patient Specific Implant
Best Medical Care ltd. Blagovest Stoimenov Bulgaria, Sofia
- Offer Clinical research and consultation for investments in Bulgaria
- Request Distribution of medical products in Bulgaria
Bilgi Biotechnological Products LLC Eyup Bilgi Turkey, Izmir
- Offer Bacterial Cellulose Production
- Request Project Partnership-H2020
Bio-Alternative Medical Devices Ltd Nasser Djennati United Kingdom, Daresbury, Cheshire
- Offer Blood Coagulation PT/INR measurement system
Biobserve GmbH Torben Hager Germany, Bonn
- Offer Development of customized solutions for automated behavioral phenotyping.
- Offer Scientific consulting (behavioral neuroscience)
- Offer Software for the automation of behavioral experiments.
- Offer Advanced behavioral phenotyping of animal models.
- Request Collaboration on advanced behavioral phenotyping of animal models.
Biofortuna Harry Singh United Kingdom, Wirral
- Offer Manufacture of IVD Diagnostic Assays
- Offer Contract R&D
Bioscreen Ltd. Zsolt Bagyura Hungary, Debrecen
- Offer Structured reporting platform (iSORT)
- Offer Comprehensive risk prediction tool for recurrent myocardial infarction
BioSensors Ltd Rob Connell United Kingdom, Liverpool
- Request Collaboration/Distribution/Manufacturing/Investment
C.O.T. Clinica de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Andre Moura Brazil, Joinville
- Request Build an orthopedic hospital
Care Innovation (Nationwide) Limited Andrew Michaelson United Kingdom, Liverpool
- Offer Get Active
Bilateral Talks
- Participants169
- Meetings Requested1112
- Meetings Accepted569
Brazil 1
Bulgaria 5
China 3
Czech Republic 1
France 1
Germany 3
Greece 1
Hungary 7
India 1
Italy 13
Japan 1
Mexico 1
Netherlands 11
Poland 11
Republic of Ireland 1
Romania 2
Russian Federation 1
Serbia 1
Slovakia 3
Slovenia 1
Spain 3
Switzerland 1
Turkey 16
Ukraine 1
United Kingdom 81
- Total of Participants171
Profile views
- Before Event14829
- After Event509900