Imagen Therapeutics Roderick Benson United Kingdom, Manchester
- Offer Personalised Chemotherapy
- Offer Commercial Partnerships
- Request Post-doctorate or Researchers interested in MPI+MRI production
- Request Technical Cooperation Partners
Innovation Agency (AHSN for NWC) Lorna Green United Kingdom, Warrington
- Offer Networking and collaboration with public and private health sector organisations.
Innovation Agency (NWC AHSN) Richard Harding United Kingdom, Warrington
- Offer We are catalysts for the spread of innovation, connecting NHS, academia, local authorities, business
- Request Partners for H2020 Health/Social care calls
Innovation Forum Peter Crane United Kingdom, Oxford
- Offer Investment Opportunties
- Offer Engagement Opportunties
Inovus Ltd Elliot Street United Kingdom, St Helens
- Request Medical Device company seeking investment for expansion
- Offer Surgical Simulators
Integral Finance Richard Smith United Kingdom, Alderley Edge
- Offer Financial consultancy
Invest Liverpool Matt Biagetti United Kingdom, Liverpool
- Offer Investment Advice
IPSA Esther Cobos Italy, Chivasso (Turin)
- Offer Partnership to distribute innovative hospital solutions to manage drugs & medical devices
- Request Cooperation in the delivery of innovation in UK hospitals
IQE Limited Anne Couper Woods United Kingdom, Douglas
- Offer Incubator services
IRCCS-Istituto Mario Negri, Milano Elisa R Zanier Italy, Milano
- Request Multimodal monitoring in experimental brain injury.
- Request Brain Repair strategies
- Offer Traumatic brain injury, experimental models-scientific consulting
ItalfoodUK Ltd Pietro De Luca United Kingdom, Preston PR4 2TZ
- Offer Healthy Functional foods
- Request Healthy compound for funtional foods
IWH Consultants Limited Ivan Hernandez United Kingdom,
- Offer Legionella filtration products
Jumpstartuk Russell McGrath United Kingdom, Widnes
- Offer R&D Tax Relief review
KAVISHA PHARMA, S.L. Juan Ramón García Spain, Alicante
- Offer Food suplement distribution
- Offer Medical device distributor
Koc University Suna Akbayir Turkey, İstanbul
- Request Research Partners to collaborate in health and ICT projects
- Offer R&D Collaboration with Koc University School of Medicine
Koç University School of Medicine Askim Demiryurek Turkey, Istanbul
- Request Technical Cooperation in Projects
- Offer High Potential Research Capacity in Biomedical
Lab Ofichem BV Weite Oldenziel Netherlands, Ter Apel
- Offer Development and manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API's)
Laboratorium Analiz Chemicznych Spark-Lab Sp. z o.o. Lukasz Guzik Poland, Gdynia
- Offer Research and development for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries
Liek, s.r.o. Luboslav Lysican Slovakia, Senec
- Request Products for special medical purposes sale and distribution.
- Request Medicaments for sale and distribution.
Bilateral Talks
- Participants169
- Meetings Requested1112
- Meetings Accepted569
Brazil 1
Bulgaria 5
China 3
Czech Republic 1
France 1
Germany 3
Greece 1
Hungary 7
India 1
Italy 13
Japan 1
Mexico 1
Netherlands 11
Poland 11
Republic of Ireland 1
Romania 2
Russian Federation 1
Serbia 1
Slovakia 3
Slovenia 1
Spain 3
Switzerland 1
Turkey 16
Ukraine 1
United Kingdom 81
- Total of Participants171
Profile views
- Before Event14829
- After Event509883