RMG - recruitment management group Oliver Duke United Kingdom, Preston Brook
- Offer Executive Headhunting within the Healthcare sector
GPI Group Fabio Rossi Italy, 38123
- Offer Partner/Distributor (Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management in Hospitals or Community Pharmacies)
University of Bolton Mohsen Miraftab United Kingdom, Bolton
- Request Investment for R & D
- Offer Biomaterials
Reference Network in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Silvia Chellini Spain, Barcelona
- Offer Crystal Engineering
- Offer Analysis of biological systems
- Offer Computer aided drug design
- Offer Design of enzymes and inhibitors
- Offer Computational tools for industrial application
Grant Thornton Robert Hornby United Kingdom, Manchester
- Offer Corporate Finance Advisory
5D Health Protection Group Ltd Steven Percival United Kingdom, Liverpool
- Offer Testing Services/Product Development/R&D
- Offer Consultancy/Advise
- Request Collaboration on grants
- Request Anti-Biofilm Technologies
- Offer Collaboration on grants linked to medical devices
- Request Networking / Collaboration for Spreading, Innovation
- Request Consultancy / Advise / Business Support / Information
- Offer R&D Collaboration / Phd. Students and Post-Docs
- Request R&D / manufacturing&licence agreements / sales&distribution
- Offer Partnership for H2020 Health / Social Care Calls and Other Various Projects
ONİTAŞ / AMANOS R&D Konstantinos Boukouvalas Turkey, Hatay
- Request Co-operation For Growth, Networking, Innovation
- Request Business Support / Advisory / Consultancy / Information
- Request R&D Products / Manufacturing&Licence Agreements / Sales&Distribution
- Offer Collaboration for H2020 Health / Social Care Calls and Other Different Projects
Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership & Innovation Agency Andrew Rose United Kingdom, Liverpool
- Offer Liverpool City Region - collaboration, business growth and facilities
- Offer Engineering support and manufacturing skill
DNA Research Center Ltd. Kinga Huminska Poland, Poznan
- Offer WGS (Whole Genome Sequencing)
- Offer Personalized therapy
- Offer Bioinformatics analysis services
- Offer Additional NGS services
- Offer Transcriptom analysis (NGS)
- Offer Genome analysis (NGS)
- Offer NGS services_diagnostic panels
RSM Ian Macintyre United Kingdom, Manchester
- Offer Provider of audit, tax and consulting services to middle market leaders, globally
Lab Ofichem BV Weite Oldenziel Netherlands, Ter Apel
- Offer Development and manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API's)
Centre for Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials, West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin Artur Bartkowiak Poland, Szczecin
- Offer Bioactive material for immobilisation and micro encapsulation - partner requested
- Offer An innovative kit for cord blood collection is offered under license agreement.
Hittech Group Watze Mandema Netherlands, The Hague
- Request Cooperation with OEM companies active in Medical, Lab and Life Sciences
- Offer Full Service System Supplier (project management, development, manufacturing, services)
VanPaz BV Jan Geert van Hall Netherlands, Leiden
- Request Robot for autistic children
- Offer Combining knowledge of data science in healthcare with business&financial expertise
- Request Electronic medical records, data visualisation
Casa Cura Policlinico Massimo Caprino Italy, Milano
- Offer Neuro-rehabilitation Living Lab
- Offer Neurological Biobank
AllBioinformatics Org Francesco Di Tota Italy, Milan
- Request Web Touchless Technological partnerships are sought
- Offer Web Touchless InteractionTechnology. Commercial partnerships are sought
- Offer Bio-ICT solutions and services
- Request Zero Nicotine project, a new medical device software for a new nicotine insight
Vivosens Biotechnology R&D, Trade and Ind. Limited Company Miray Tayfun Turkey, İstanbul
- Request Investment
- Request Looking for co-operation on biosensor development.
Optonom Scientific Instruments Co. Mehmet Kıvanç Turkey, izmir
- Offer Image Analysis Software for Early Diagnosis
Bilateral Talks
- Participants169
- Meetings Requested1112
- Meetings Accepted569
Brazil 1
Bulgaria 5
China 3
Czech Republic 1
France 1
Germany 3
Greece 1
Hungary 7
India 1
Italy 13
Japan 1
Mexico 1
Netherlands 11
Poland 11
Republic of Ireland 1
Romania 2
Russian Federation 1
Serbia 1
Slovakia 3
Slovenia 1
Spain 3
Switzerland 1
Turkey 16
Ukraine 1
United Kingdom 81
- Total of Participants171
Profile views
- Before Event14829
- After Event509898