Mehmet Sabri ZEYTİNELİ
Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday (1:30pm – 6:00pm)
- Friday (9:00am – 12:00pm)
- Friday (12:00pm – 4:00pm)
Our Technopark, which was established under the partnership of Mustafa Kemal University (MKU), leading government agencies and industry organizations has two technology development regions. With state aid, grants and many cooperations provided, our Technopark offers facilities such as R&D, new product development and academic collaboration.
We intend to attend this activity on Vice General Manager level and with the strenght and facilities of this multi-stakeholdered cluster we intend to grow, gain, provide stakeholders with profit, add new stakeholders, produce new products, sell these, provide licensing agreements, develop technologies, know-how buy / sell / share, develop new projects making use of international cooperations, set up dealers networks, outsource, create various investment and financing. We are a strong cluster open to any agreement and cooperation to supply new investments and finance.
Our Technopark has
cooperation with Mustafa Kemal University (MKU) and its branches such as Continuing
Education Center, Research&Application Center for Computer Sciences,
Distance Education Center, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of
Dentistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Medical Faculty and Research&Application Hospital,
Research&Application Center for Beekeeping, Univesity-Industry
Collaboration and Technology Transfer Office, Research&Application Center
for Technology and R&D, Agricultural Research and Application Center,
Faculty of Agriculture, Experimental Research&Application Center, in view of R&D, projects, laboratory
analysis, test, academical facilities etc.
We give importance and
try to provide the innovation emphasis to emerging trends in the world such as
biotechnology, analytical processes, health,
medical technology, diagnostic, digital health, sensitive health areas. For all
these, we try hard to develop new products and new projects and do patent work
making use of both academic and industry cooperation.
On our way to fulfill all these works, Gaziantep University (GAUN), Gaziantep Technopark, GAUN TARGET Technology Transfer Office (GAUN TTO), İskenderun Technical University (İSTE), İskenderun Technology Transfer Office (İSTE TTO), Çukurova Technopark and its companies, Governorship, Metropolitan Municipality, District Governorships, Mayors, Republic of Turkey; Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Rebuplic of Turkey; Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, T.R. Small and Medium Business Development and Support Administration, Republic of Turkey; Ministry of Development, T.R. Eastern Mediterranean Development Agency and T.R. Silk Road Development Agency, Chambers of Commerce&Industry, Medical and Aromatic Plants Museum are of great help and project partners to us.
The aim of our attending in this B2B event is transferring the R&D outputs, new technologic products, know-how and etc, technical co-operation, manufacturing / licence agreements, investment&financing, outsourcing and collaboration between the countries.
Networking / Collaboration for Spreading, Innovation
We are innovative cluster and which have entrepreneurial organization. So, for growing we can consider all the opportunities for technologic, innovative sales/buys, cooperations (with academics, governance,firms, NGOs,other contacts etc).
- Technical co-operation
- Investment/Financing
Consultancy / Advise / Business Support / Information
Our stakeholders need information and advices for entering in new markets about the law, new technologies, financing ways and the internalization process.
- Outsourcing co-operation
- License agreement
- Investment/Financing
- Other
R&D Collaboration / Phd. Students and Post-Docs
We are offering R&D collaboration and Phd. Students / Post-Docs who are qualified, well educated, work and business experienced persons that we can recommend as hot prospect for the future. They can study innovative fields, can make R&D in an new academic dicipline and can also supply values to firms with these studies as marketing Networks, new products and their licences, grants, aids via working with the firms in abroad.
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
R&D / manufacturing&licence agreements / sales&distribution
The assocations we have provides us buying know-how, sales&distribution services, outputs of R&D, products and which brings manufacture and licence possibilities / agreements or skills for developing new products for new demands. So we are open to consider all these kind of buys options.
- Sales / Distribution
- Manufacturing agreement
- Technical co-operation
Partnership for H2020 Health / Social Care Calls and Other Various Projects
Our organization also takes parts in various operations and projects so we can utilise all opportunities for new international studies and partnerships.
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation