Marco Feligioni
Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday (1:30pm – 6:00pm)
- Friday (9:00am – 12:00pm)
- Friday (12:00pm – 4:00pm)

RetiNEXT is a pharmaceutical project. The aim is to develop our patented molecule as treatment for eye pathologies supported by excitotoxicity like Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Ischemia, Age-dependent Degenerative Maculopathy (ADM), Glaucoma. As a pharmaceutical project, we will need to go through several phases, including Preclinical, Clinical Phase I, II, and III.
The project is now in the preclinical phase, we have finished the discovery part and now we are working on animal models.
We have already some in-vivo model experiments but we need a financial support in order to be faster in these phase
We will coordinate the preclinical experiments by using contract work scheme. We will collaborate with several Contract Research Organizations (CRO), selected university laboratories around the world that can ensure pharmacology, toxicology and chemical formulation experiment to approach clinical phase I within 2 years.
In parallel, since our molecule can be active in many neuronal excitotoxic pathologies we will set co-development collaborations with partners like Pharma Companies. Some Pharma Companies have already expressed their interest for the applications of our molecule in other pathologies like Epilepsy, Stroke, Alzheimer’s .

Seeking for Financial support to develop our new molecule for Eye pathologies
RetiNEXT is a project which aims at developing a molecule for the treatment of eye pathologies supported by excitotoxicity like Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Ischemia, Age-dependent Degenerative Maculopathy (ADM), Glaucoma.
We are looking for the financial support from Venture Capitals and Pharmaceutical companies that are interested in our project and that will help us to complete preclinical phases and go to Clinical Phase I. A support in the business management sector is also welcome.
- License agreement
- Investment/Financing
- Other