Michael Nairn
Bilateral Meetings
- Friday (9:00am – 12:00pm)
- Friday (12:00pm – 4:00pm)

SAI is committed to the design and manufacture of high performance mass spectrometers based primarily on our own state of the art Time of Flight (ToF) technology. One of SAI’s key strengths lies in its flexibility and in addition to offering an extensive portfolio of technically advanced instruments, we are able to react very quickly to the latest market demands with novel and often bespoke solutions. Over time we have distilled the best of our innovative designs into three major product families embracing the powerful techniques of : MALDI-MS ( and MS-MS), GC-MS (and GCxGC-MS) and SIMS.
MALDI-MS The “LaserToF” range of MALDI-ToF instruments from compact benchtop single ToF models to the flagship research grade ToF-ToF machine, the LaserToF-TT.
GC-MS The “Kronus” range of continuous beam orthogonal ToF analysers is available either standalone to provide existing GC users with a much more powerful MSD or alternatively as a complete factory integrated GC ( or GCxGC ) - ToF instrument.
SIMS The award winning “MiniSIMS” designed for the cost effective surface and interface analysis of materials is available equipped with an entry level quadrupole mass spectrometer or as the advanced MiniSIMS-ToF.
Special Projects We are enthusiasts and if you have the need for something you can not find, please let us know and we can work with you to produce the mass spectrometer you need.
Our mass spectrometers for distribution
We are offering the opportunity to represent our mass spectrometry products in new european markets.
- Manufacturing agreement
MALDI Imaging collaboration towards publishable material
We are looking to increase our profile by assisting research and promoting our instruments on the back of the research.
- Technical co-operation
Small scale mass spectrometry analysis for publishable materials
I am willing to perform small scale analysis of samples that will contribute towards papers in return for recognition and inclusion of our instruments and our company name.
- Technical co-operation