Eva Szego

product manager
Cytotech Instruments Ltd.

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday (1:30pm – 6:00pm)
  • Friday (9:00am – 12:00pm)
  • Friday (12:00pm – 4:00pm)
DescriptionCytotech Instrument Ltd. was established in 1991 to exploit the advantages of its unique solution for automating the blood group serological spin tube technique. The semi-automatic ACT-24 benchtop instrument has been in use for more than 20 years. The first fully automatic blood grouping instrument was developed in 2006. The latest development fully automatic self washing instrument, the ACT Robot is ready for market launch.
Organization Type Company
CityBudapest, 1131 Dolmany u. 18 Google map

Offering the ACT Robot blood group analyser for distribution

Cytotech Ltd. is looking for distributors worldwide for the ACT Robot:

ACT Robot: uniquely cost efficient solution for automating blood-group measurements

The recent development ACT Robot is the only automat which uses the „gold standard” tube technique making the evaluation of every blood-group serological reaction possible. The fully automated (walkaway) system carries out every step of the manual tube technique automatically:

• Cellwashing
• Dispensing samples and reagents
• Adding AHG reagent
• Incubation
• Reading of results
• Saving, storing and printing the results

The ACT systems are the first blood-group serological instruments to carry out antiglobulin tests by using an opto-electronic reading unit.

The ACT systems can be used for every task of blood-group serological routine mainly for pre-transfusion tests but also for the treatment of pregnant women:

• Antibody screening
• Antibody identification
• ABO typing
• Phenotyping
• Compatibility tests (Crossmatching)
• Direct Coombs test

They offer the widest choice of methods from among the modern instruments:
• Enzyme test
• Antiglobulin test (LISS, PEG)
• Polybrene test
The ACT Robot is the only automat which carries out the polybrene method which is used in the far-east for genetic reasons.

The application of the ACT Robot is simple, easy and quick to learn. It is absolutely user-friendly.

The robot does not need any disposables apart from the traditional reagents. It is an open system so the reagents of any company can be used in it.

The ACT Robot is effective, reliable and highly cost-efficient. Since there is no need for prefabricated and disposable equipment (like gel cards) the ACT Robot can run at a cost which is between the third and fifth of that of the automats of the competitors depending on the type of measurement.

The throughput of the ACT-Robot makes it suitable for smaller or middle sized laboratories. The fully automated ACT-Robot not only matches the other blood-group serological solutions but also proves to fill a market gap in the profession.

Keywords: blood group serologydistributorscost efficientflexiblepre-transfusionwalkawayautomation of the manual techniqueunique solution
Cooperation Offered
  1. Sales / Distribution

Looking for investment, and partners to apply for H2020 funding with

We are looking for investment to help launch the ACT Robot blood group analyser.
The ACT Robot can run at a cost which is between the third and fifth of that of the automats of the competitors depending on the type of measurement. The throughput of the ACT-Robot makes it suitable for smaller or middle sized laboratories this way filling a market gap in the profession since the competitors only offer semi automation for these sizes of laboratories.
Another unique feature of the instrument is that it is the only automat which can carry out the Polybrene test, with which it would be possible to offer a much cheaper and faster solution for antibody screening around the world and especially in China where the benefit of introducing the automated Polybrene test would be even bigger due to a special difference of the antigens of the blood of the Chinese population.

Cytotech is looking for collaborative research partners to apply for H2020 funding. One of the possible topics is the: Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices. We can offer the 20 year old expertise in developing and manufacturing medical devices and the ACT Robot product. Our ambition is to collaborate with European laboratories or universities for the validation of the Polybrene method.

Keywords: H2020 collaboration with universities or laboratoriesinvestment in the field of blood group serologymedical device
Cooperation Requested
  1. Other
  2. Investment/Financing