Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday (1:30pm – 6:00pm)
- Friday (9:00am – 12:00pm)
- Friday (12:00pm – 4:00pm)

· Delivers therapeutic “focused pulse” therapy direct to selected parts of the patient thorax creating a more profound and efficient resonance in the bronchial airways which is delivered in a comfortable ‘massage like’ therapy;
· Flexibility of RespIn 11’s “focused pulse” technology also gives treating clinicians greatly increased control and flexibility of therapy to best meet the needs of each individual patient and clinical condition;
· Very low background pressure - The RespIn 11 patented system of focused pulsations operates at a very low background pressure which is very beneficial to patients on both a comfort level during treatment and also therapeutic level with greatly increased efficiency in dislodging mucus and assisting its movement for expectoration ,
· No negative physiological side effects - as a beneficial side effect of its low operating pressure of RespIn 11’s “focused pulse” technology, it has no negative side effects to the patient’s physiological parameters, e.g. blood pressure and heart rate, and the RespIn 11 can therefore be safely used with a much wider range of patients and clinical conditions than existing Chest Compression devices.

Innovative device for distribution : RespIn 11 Bronchial Clearance System
Our RespIn 11 respiratory device is a 2nd generation “focused pulse” High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation device capable of aiding in bronchial airway clearance for a much wider range of patients and clinical conditions than existing High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation/Chest Compression devices.
- Sales / Distribution