Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday (1:30pm – 6:00pm)

Quipu is a company founded in January 2011 as a spin-off of the Italian National Research Council and the University of Pisa, Italy. The team includes three engineers, who share 15 years work experience in the field of medical ultrasound, one economics graduate with 10 years experience in sales management, business development and customer relationship management, and two medical doctor with strong research experience in cardiovascular disease. Quipu can exploit its strong link with biomedical researchers and innovators for a continuous and rapid update of their products.
Quipu designs a new generation of biomedical ultrasound systems based on software applications. We believe that applications will be at the heart of the upcoming ultrasound systems, giving these devices a big boost in terms of usability and new usage scenarios.
In our vision, the next generation of ultrasound devices consist of a smart scanner, a standard PC/tablet and our application-based software. This innovative architecture offers great advantages because it makes ultrasound easier and speeds up the innovation process.
Our customers are healthcare providers, such as hospitals, clinics, primary care centers, professionals and, more generally, all users of medical ultrasound systems.

Investment opportunity in medical device start-up company
We are a start up company that developed a software platform for medical ultrasound processing. We are already on the market in Europe and in US. We are looking for investors to scale up our business.
- Investment/Financing

Cardiovascular Suite - a medical device software
Cardiovascular Suite is a software that contains two innovative applications in the field of cardiovascular disease prevention: FMD Studio, for a functional evaluation of peripheral vessels (Flow Mediated Dilation), and Carotid Studio for assessment of carotid stiffness and thickness (Intima Media Thickness). These applications run on a standard computer (both Microsoft Windows and Apple Computers) and process images coming from a vascular ultrasound system equipped with a video output (almost all have it), including low-end devices The result is an assessment of the patient’s cardiovascular risk that is based on objective measurements of sub-clinical manifestations of the cardiovascular disease.
Our customers are hospitals, clinics, medicine universities and, generally, all users of vascular ultrasound systems interested in cardiovascular risk assessment. The software product is a CE medical device (93/42/EEC).
We are looking for new distributors in European and extra-EU countries.
- Sales / Distribution
Medical Image Processing
We developed a platform for medical image processing. The platform runs on a standard computer and can work in conjunction with medical devices currently available in hospitals. The applications process the video images and provide advanced processing functions. We are now looking for possibilities of partnerships for the development of new products.
- License agreement
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation