
Alexander Titcomb

Business Development Executive
Roller Agency
DescriptionRoller is a Nottingham-based mobile app development agency, specialising in mHealth apps for clinical, medical, and wellbeing.
We build bespoke, native mobile apps for iOS and Android for any purpose, including patient self-management, education, ePRO, and medication adherence. Our work has allowed us to work with organisations like Novartis, Takeda, and the NHS.
With a background in creative design and marketing, our key focus is on bringing snazzy design and engaging user experiences to the healthcare industry. We have built a reputation for designing apps, websites, and portals that your end users actually want to use.
Organization Type Consultant, Other
Organization Size11-25
CountryUnited Kingdom
CityNottingham, Studio 3A, The Oldknows Factory, St. Ann's Hill Road Google map

Mobile App Development

We build bespoke mobile apps for iOS and Android which integrate into medical and pharmaceutical programmes.

Keywords: appsmobilemhealthjavahtmlswiftmobile app development
Cooperation Offered
  1. Other
  2. Technical co-operation
  3. Outsourcing co-operation