Delyth Lloyd
Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday (1:30pm – 6:00pm)
- Friday (9:00am – 12:00pm)
- Friday (12:00pm – 4:00pm)
Prototype development support & biology labs
Medical technologies, especially medical devices, often require a rapid and complex prototyping, testing and validation process. The technical skills to carry out this process effectively is often not available within SMEs operating in this area.
The STFC offers medical technology SMEs access to their equipment, machinery and expertise in a flexible package to deliver short or longer term projects within the Campus Technology Hub to help companies develop their prototype up to demonstrator level. This access and expertise will be tailored towards the individual project and is aimed at companies at the earlier stages of developing their first product.
STFC also provides access to flexible, fully equipped biology laboratories on a short term, pay as you go basis or as a longer lease on a dedicated lab.
Through ready access to an impressive array of shared lab facilities, including fume cupboards, de-ionised water, gases and analytical equipment, up-front capital costs are reduced allowing companies the time to focus on developing the business and focussing investment where it is needed.
As part of STFC’s business incubation offering, companies can either lease their own exclusive self-contained lab or opt for access to a ‘hot lab’ and multi-user areas available on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis to deliver a project.
- Technical co-operation
- Other